Yoga Resource
200 HR,
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101 Top Yoga Quotes ~ Yoga,
Mediation, Inspiration, Reflection Quotes View a great
collections of yoga and yoga related quotes from ancient
yogis, modern yogis, and those simply living a yogi life!
General Resources ~ Yoga
Yoga Sutras ~ Review
the Yoga Sutras.
Yamas & Niyamas ~ Articles on the
Yamas or
and Videos on the History of Yoga ~
Yoga ~ Recommended
Reading List
Certificates of Completion
for Teacher Training Immersions
Sanskrit Resource Center
~ Check out our new Sanskrit Resource Center filled with information
from our wonderful teacher training instructor Marcy Braverman
Goldstein, PhD, Professor of Religious Studies at UNCC, and founder of
Sanskrit Revolution.
Resources ~ Therapeutic Yoga
Yoga to Seniors: Essential Considerations to Enhance Safety and
Reduce Risk in a Uniquely Vulnerable Age Group" by Carol Krucoff,
E-RYT, Kimberly Carson, MPH, E-RYT, Matthew Peterson, PhD, Kathy
Shipp, PT, MHS, PhD, and Mitchell Krucoff, MD, FACC, FAHA
Yoga After 50 by Kelly Couturier
Musculoskeletal Injuries Related to Yoga: Imaging Observations ~
Read why every yoga teacher should consider learning more about
kinesiology whether pursuing their 200 HR, 500 HR, or Therapeutic
Yoga Certification.
List ~ Yoga and Related Subjects
Anatomy of
Yoga ~ Structural Anatomy, Anatomy of Breath, Energetic Anatomy
Structural Anatomy
Anatomy of Breath
Energetic Anatomy
Chakras ~ "Asanas for the Chakra System ~ A prescription of
asanas to help balance the subtle energies of the chakra system" by
Barbara Kaplan Herring
Link (Energetic
~ " You Are Here ~ The five koshas, or 'layers' of the
body, constitute a map for navigating the inner journey" by Shiva
Rea Link
~ "The Five Vayus" by Sandra Anderson
(Energetic Anatomy)
30 Days
of Gratitude - Yoga is knowing your alright without needing someone
to tell you you are! Knowing your alright is largely your
perspective towards life and the challenges and rewards it presents!
Try to be grateful for everything life provides you...even the
challenges. Psychology has long said that new habits form (and
old ones fade) after doing something for 30 days. So, for 30 days,
try journaling about five things your grateful for each day and see how
this changes your approach to every day after 30 days! If you
feel so inclined, share your gratitude with others during the 30 day
challenge, maybe on facebook, and see how it changes the perspective
of others around you! Here's an article you can read if you'd
Art of Teaching /
Intelligent Sequencing
Art of
Yoga Immersion
History of Yoga
History of
Yoga ~ A Wide Angle
View Article.
Meaning of Yoga
Article from B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga: The Path to Holistic Health.
Yoga Immersion
- The 3 Diaphragms Model (Respiratory Diaphragm, Pelvic Floor, &
Thoracic Outlet) ~ A practical model using the 3
diaphragms of the human body to teach integrative rehabilitation
principles to clients. The model is useful for physical therapists,
occupational therapists, yoga therapists and anyone else teaching an
embodied process of health. By Dr. Matthew J. Taylor, PT,
PhD. Learn how breathing can negatively or positively affect
pain, mood, immune system, balance, muscle tone, GI function,
respiratory rate, heart rate, quality of sleep, and cognition. Learn
how improper breathing can directly affect our physical structure
leading to knee issues, SI issues, shin splits, plantar fasciitis,
and more! See below for details on how to breath properly (i.e.,
diaphragmatic breathing).
Introduction to Pranayama
complied by Andrew Crater
- Diaphragmatic Breathing ~
Raw Yoga ~
Yoga & Nutrition for Detoxification
"Cooking Your Way Out of Disease" by Dr. Mark Hyman
Restorative Yoga
Sound Therapy
Vibration Patterns on a Chladni Plate Saint Mary's Univeristy Halifx,
NS Canada ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YedgubRZva8 Sand on a rectangular
metal plate shows the resonance patterns at specific frequencies of
oscillation. (~4 Minutes)
Vibration Patterns ~
(~2 Minutes)
Sound" A short film by James Brock & Kishor Krishnamurthy ~
Every word (or sound) has a vibration, shape & color. Humans are 60%
water (75% as infants). Everything we hear directly affects our
physical bodies.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRky66XEvek (~10 Minutes)
Sound Yoga / Nada Yoga: The Healing Power of Sacred Sound ~
Internationally acclaimed teacher, vocalist and sound healer Shanti
Shivani introduces the mystic practice of Nada Yoga. Nada Yoga is
the core of Dhrupad, the most ancient style of Hindustani classical
music. Originally only sung by Hindu priests in the temples as an
act of worship, it induces a deep meditative state in the singer as
well as the listener. Drawing upon her extensive training and
experience in the Dhrupad tradition, Shivani presents specific body
movements and vocal techniques designed to free the natural voice,
develop awareness of the breath and body, stimulate the innate
healing potential and access the sacred within. She also offers
instruction in the basic vocal exercises of the ancient Indian raga
(modal) system and more specifically in Raga Bhairav, the "sunrise
mode", that invokes the state of inner peace. These time-honored
techniques are designed to clear the emotional body, balance the
chakras, enhance intuition and creative expression and harmonize
body, mind and soul.
(~1 Hour 15 Minutes)
Color Illuminated Chakra Meditation: Healing Sound Chakra Balancing
by Dr Jane Ma'ati Smith CHyp MscD ~ Synopsis: Watch, relax, and get
ready for one of the most unique and powerful Chakra meditations you
will ever experience! This is a very special film. It is programmed
with sound therapy techniques that are very powerful at inducing
meditative, hypnotic and trance states. These tones progress along
the Solfeggio frequencies associated with each Chakra. The tones
will progress up, from the Root Chakra to the Crown, spending eight
minutes at each. You may actually feel something at each point,
experience the release of trapped emotions, physical feelings,
vibrations, euphoria. Each individual experience will be different,
and your personal experience may not be the same each time, as you
progress on your path of spiritual growth. Please allow enough time
after watching the program before driving, operating machinery, or
other activities requiring your full attention. (~1 Hour)
Yoga Therapy
Therapeutic Yoga for Kids
Various Ways to Approach Vinyasa Flow
Inquiry ~ Vichara Practice ~
"Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it!"
~John Maxwell We live in a world that we cannot control that
often tosses obstacles our way. While we cannot control the world
around us, we can each control our response to it! Choose to respond
to stressful situations with calm, to fearful situations with
courage, and to challenges with an "I can and I will" attitude! See
how much of a difference your perception of a situation and your
response to it can make in your ability to enjoy each and every day
to the fullest! As you encounter
circumstance that lead to a strong reaction within you (outward or
inward), complete the Vichara practice as outlined in the back of
the manual.
beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words,
your words become your actions, your actions become your habits,
your habits become your values, your values become your
destiny.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your
thoughts." ~Marcus Aurelius
The Stress Relieving Benefits of Corpse Pose Excerpt adapted
from The Four Desires by Rod Stryker
Yin Yoga
9 Things I've Learned About Yin Yoga
Yoga as Medicine / Yoga: Holistic Healing for
Medical Conditions
Yoga as Medicine By Disorder -
Link to a list of many research
articles on Yoga as Holistic Healing for Various Medical Conditions,
including but not limited to Anxiety, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue,
Depression, Heart Disease, IBS, Menopause, MS, & more!
Yoga As Medicine ~ The Science Behind the Benefits Article
by Chrys Kub, PT, E-RYT500
- Yoga Nidra Resources ~
The Stress Relieving Benefits of Corpse Pose Excerpt adapted
from The Four Desires by Rod Stryker
Introduction to Pranayama
complied by Andrew Crater
Yoga for Cancer
- "Facing
Cancer with Courage: Although it's not a cure, yoga can help you
survive cancer with strength, hope, and vitality." By Carol Krucoff,
E-RYT 500
- "Yoga
for Cancer: While It's Not a Cure for Cancer, Yoga Enhances
Physical and Emotional Wellness - and Brings a Peace Many Patients
Had Thought They'd Lost Forever." By Sandy Boucher.
Sandy is a cancer survivor and writes a wonderful articles sharing
the first hand experiences of she and fellow students suffering from
many different types of cancer in different stages of treatment or
Translating Knowledge: A Framework for Evidence-Informed Yoga
Programs in Oncology by Amanda J. Wurz, BA, Lauren C Capozzi,
BSc, Michael J. Mackenzie, PhD, Suzanne C. Danhauer, PhD, S. Nicole
Culos-Reed, PhD
Active Practice of Iyengar Yoga as an Intervention for Breast Cancer
Survivors Sally E. Blank, Ph.D., Jacqueline Kittel, O.T.R./L.,
R.Y.T., and Mel R. Haberman, Ph.D.
Life, Health and Longevity Through The Science of Ayurveda: A Case
Study of Cancer By Robert E. Svoboda
The Effect of a Mindfulness Meditation-Based Stress Reduction
Program on Mood and Symptoms of Stress in Cancer Outpatients
Month Follow-Up
Yoga for Cancer Research Summary -
Summary 2013,
Summary 2012 Source:
Debra Campagna: The Benefits of Yoga for Cancer Survivors
Healing Yoga for People Living with Cancer by Lisa Holtby
Iyengar Yoga Cancer Book
Yoga for Mental Wellness
Yoga for
Yoga to Seniors: Essential Considerations to Enhance Safety and
Reduce Risk in a Uniquely Vulnerable Age Group" by Carol Krucoff,
E-RYT, Kimberly Carson, MPH, E-RYT, Matthew Peterson, PhD, Kathy
Shipp, PT, MHS, PhD, and Mitchell Krucoff, MD, FACC, FAHA
"Standing Strong:
Yoga can help those with osteoporosis and osteopenia maintain bone
mass, build strength, and prevent injury." By Carol Krucoff,
sequence by Ellen Saltonstall
"Yoga After 50" by Kelly Couturier
Your Neck! Find lasting relief from neck and upper back pain
with alignment awareness on and off the mat" by Carol Krucoff
"Relax Into Yoga ~ Finding Ease in Body and Mind" with Kimberly
Carson & Carol Krucoff
"Healing Moves: How to Cure, Relieve and Prevent Common Ailments
with Exercise" by Carol Krucoff E-RYT 500 and Mitchell Krucoff, MD.
Yoga Poses to Avoid With
Osteoporosis by
Andrea Cespedes
Yoga Nidra
Yoga ~ Business
Business Related Articles
Insurance ~ We recommend that EVERY yoga instructor carry
individual liability insurance. This will help to ensure your
covered whether teaching with a studio, outside of a studio,
privately, etc. The cost range is typically $150-175 per year.
Typically you must go through an insurance broker such as Yoga
Journal. If you are a massage therapist or other healthcare
practitioner already carrying individual liability insurance you can
typically simply add you profession as a yoga instructor to that
policy to save money.
Waivers ~ You should ALWAYS have students sign waivers.
Many insurance companies require waivers to be signed by each
student EACH time they attend class, as such this would be the
safest route. Sample
Disclaimers to
use for classes.
Alliance On-Line Workshops ~ (i) Opening a Yoga Studio: A
Discussion of Ethical and Legal Considerations, (ii) Internet Laws
for Yoga, (iii) Learn about Yoga Liability, (iv) Employees or
Independent Contractors? New Legal Risks and Liabilities. Each
of these workshops is free for registered yoga teachers
On-Line Documentaries
Related Documentaries
Living Yoga: The Life and Teachings of Swami Satchidananda The
founder of Integral Yoga and Yogaville ~ Yoga: Be Easeful, Be
Peaceful, Be Useful. Movie Synopsis: Millions worldwide
practice Yoga as a means for managing stress, promoting health and
creating a more meaningful life. Swami Satchidananda was among the
first Yoga masters to bring the classical Yoga tradition to the West
and popularize the philosophy and practices. The distinctive
teachings he brought blend the physical discipline of Yoga, the
spiritual philosophy of Vedic literature and the interfaith ideals
he pioneered. His role in the birth of the modern Yoga movement and
its impact on the world is chronicled in this hour-long documentary
that informs, entertains and provokes self-inquiry. The role of
spirituality in wellness and the link between inner peace and outer
peace is explored in the film with commentary by Dr. Dean Ornish,
Dr. Mehmet Oz, Rev. James P. Morton, Rabbi Joseph Gelberman, Peter
Max, Felix Cavaliere, Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB, Dr. Bhagavan
Antle, Dr. Sandra McLanahan and CNN's Larry King, among others.
THE FIRE OF YOGA ~ Synopsis: A surprising look at Yoga — an
ancient discipline that today is practiced by over 11 million
Americans. This documentary breaks common stereotypes about yoga, as
it travels from the South Bronx, to the Deep South, and finally to
Hollywood. Along the way, you will see an ex-inmate, a Southern
Baptist, and a recovering alcoholic find more than they expected to
as they overcome great hardships through yoga.
Yoga, Inc. ~ Synopsis: Yoga is a competitive, commercialized,
mega-industry. Can yoga survive with its good karma intact? Esak
Garcia is a ‘competitive yogi’ whose ultimate goal is the Olympics,
a dream instilled in him by his guru, Bikram Choudhury, the ‘Bad Boy
of Yoga’. While fighting to have yoga recognized as an Olympic
sport, Bikram has also copyrighted his yoga style, demanding
teachers play by his rules or stop teaching. A court must now decide
if someone can ‘own’ yoga. And with yoga chains (McYoga)
proliferating, everything is up for grabs, from yoga shoes to Chakra
panties. Is nothing sacred?
Related Documentaries
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
~ Focusing on two men whose bodies have been trashed by
steroids, obesity and illness, this documentary chronicles the
rigorous healing path -- including a two-month diet of fruits and
vegetables -- that both attempt in a bid to rescue their health.
Forks Over Knifes ~ FORKS OVER KNIVES examines the profound
claim that most, if not all, of the so-called “diseases of
affluence” that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by
rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods.
Hungry for Change ~ HUNGRY FOR CHANGE exposes shocking secrets
the diet, weight loss and food industry don't want you to know
about; deceptive strategies designed to keep you coming back for
more. Find out what's keeping you from having the body and health
you deserve and how to escape the diet trap forever.
Fresh ~ This absorbing documentary surveys American farmers' and
researchers' pioneering efforts to develop efficient systems for
growing food. All of those profiled share a common goal of limiting
pollution while creating healthier products.
Food Matters ~ With a staggering number of Americans suffering
from obesity and other food-related maladies, this film takes a
timely and hard-hitting look at how the food we eat is helping or
hurting our health, and what we can do to live (and eat) better.