Yoga Club is proud to be a Better Business Bureau Accredited Business!
Yoga Club Classes Yoga Club in the News! Please click on the links below to access local yoga clubs! We also offer Teacher Trainings, Immersions, Workshops, and many Yoga Retreats in many cities throughout the year!
California LA Yoga Club - Facebook Group Florida Fort Lauderdale Yoga Club - Meetup Group and Facebook Group Miami Yoga Club - Meetup Group and Facebook Group West Palm Yoga Club - Facebook Group Georgia Atlanta Yoga Club - Meetup Group - Facebook New York New York Yoga Club - Meetup Group - Facebook North Carolina Charlotte Yoga Club - Meetup Group - Facebook Lake Norman Yoga Club - Facebook Triangle Yoga Club - Meetup Group - Facebook Pennsylvania Philadelphia Yoga Club - Facebook South Carolina Fort Mill / Lake Wylie Yoga Club - Facebook Charleston Yoga Club - Meetup Group - Facebook Texas Dallas / Fort Worth - Facebook Virginia Washington DC Yoga Club - Facebook Would you like to start a yoga club in your area? Please e-mail us at and we'll help you get started! Detox and Retox! |
DISCLAIMER: By joining this group you hereby agree to assume all risks and liability related to or resulting from any & all group functions. You agree that neither you nor any third party will hold the group, any of the group's leaders, representatives, instructors, or sponsors liable for any injury, loss, or damage to your own person or any members of your family, friends, acquaintances, pets, or property, arising directly from or as a consequence of any group activity. The websites,,,,,, and simply provide information to facilitate the meeting of local yoga groups providing information such as times and locations of gatherings. |